hehe..today lao gong came my hse and acc mE!! we watched hana kimi together.. den after tat we wEnt tO KFC n eat ^^ well... we went to find some place n sit to read magazine.. but cant really find the best place to sIt.. in the end sit near a void deck de shelter there lOrz.. hmm.. but ard 8+ plus when he's going home.. i kinda mOody ba.. cOs dun feel lk going home.. =/ in the end lao gong stayed n hear my story.. he consoled mE.. Pei mE till i feel better.. =) after tat den gO home nOr.. really felt better after he accompanied mE ^^ i felt even happier when he gave me surprise! i was sms-ing him while he was on his way back to home.. i tot he left jurong le.. bUt nO!! he suddenly called me n said he bought my fav milk tea n is outside my house... oW... im really so happy n touched.. didn't didn't expect him tat he would come back.. bEcos its real damn troublesome to gO jP den take bus come back again.. plus i c him took bus to jP den go home de.. he came back again ! ow.. seriously it brightens uP my mOod 100 times!! ^_^
Lao gong.. thanks for everything u've done to mE.. i really appreciate iT.. u're the 1st gUy who treated mE sO damn gOod de.. i'll be the same tOo ^^ i
("v") yOu